AzarAb|Azarab Holding Members|AzarAb Holding Company

AzarAb Holding Company

Holding AzarAb owns maximum shares in dependent companies and the stockholders that are now involved in AzarAb complex are its owners.  Since the board of Management plays the role of meeting for dependent companies, some monitoring and ownership activities are centered in AzarAb, which together with other duties relative to agential management are classified in agency management activities.
Contract occupation development is one of the main goals of the holding in first phase.  A significant part of operation related to sales, project definition and major commercial operation, are performing in holding level and are classified in operational activities group.  In the frame of these activities, holding undertakes the centered sales in both part of production and contractual works, and distributes each project between dependent companies and other commercial partners.  So holding should be in some extent proficient in engineering affairs -at least at essential level for preparing the projects proposals and identifying the main suppliers.  This subject would prevent the dependent companies participating in a destructive competition.  The holding will control the bargain condition between them according assigning the transmittal price policy.  Another important part of holding operational activities is performing centralized research and development operations -and more- with the aim of absorption and development of necessary technical knowledge of the complex and sharing them between dependent companies.
Third group of holding main activities is centralized supporting and staff services.  Centralizing the services such as financial and informational system management on holding are due two reasons: 
(1) coordination of these processes on holding makes more integration and reduces the expenses of holding members’ cooperation.
(2) Putting together the sources in these activities reduces the total complex expenses.  In some cases, that this centralization exits the applying politic level, and results to special services, the transferable price method will control these services.
Holding description of three main group activities are as follow:
1.Agencies Management:
• Strategic study and major planning
• Leading the dependent companies and identifying their activity scope
• Internal accountancy, annual financial and budgeting reports approval, and composing them
• Assemblies management, applying the ownership on dependent companies and monitoring their activities
• Regulating dependent companies interrelation, transferable pricing policies identification and solving the problems
• Allocating the resources for dependent companies and approving development programs
• Monitoring the activity of departments and dependent companies
• Dependent companies top management appointment and deposal, and monitoring their activities
2.Operational Activities:
• Research and development, holding needed technology and knowledge absorption and development for offering new products and services or improving current products and services and sharing the obtained knowledge and technology between dependent companies
• Marketing in order to develop geographical scope and strengthening (AzarAb’s) name and brand 
• Identifying the projects absorption choice, proposal preparation and participate in the bids
• Negotiating with employer and concluding contract
• Supporting financial for projects from different sources and distributing it between dependent companies
• Project definition including preparing total time and expenses frame, determining the role of dependent Companies, their responsibilities and authorities limitations, communications method and essential contracts, and determining the project main contractors and suppliers that are out of dependent companies’ authorities
3.Centralized Staff and Support Services
• Making policy for strategic planning, budgeting, and assigning procedures and related standards
• Making policy for human resources management, managing and development of dependent companies top managers, monitoring the staffing process between companies and centralized general training presentations
• Making policy for financial management and developing the integrated financial systems in the whole complex
• Developing the new managerial systems in dependent companies
• Developing and Maintenance of integrated information systems

phone: 84921-021
fax: 88799443-021

postal code: 13981-19919